Group Service Representative (GSR)

Welcome to the Central California Region!

 Thank you for your willingness to be of service. The Group Service Representative (GSR) is a vital link in the continuing function, growth, and unity of worldwide Nar-Anon. GSRs are elected by their groups for a specific term. GSRs should be members with experience, stability and attend home group meetings regularly in the Nar-Anon program. As well as an understanding of the Twelve Traditions and the Twelve Concepts and how they work. At the bottom of the page is a list of helpful links and Regional contact information.


Here is an introductory presentation about the World Service Conference and the suggested role for a GSR to share the Conference Agenda Report with their group.

Suggested duties for a GSR:

  • Contact Central California Region Secretary to update records as the new GSR

  • Holds business meetings after the recovery meeting

  • Contact World Service Office for any group changes or edits to a meeting   

  • Notify the Delegate or Chair if a group chooses to suspend a meeting due to unforeseen events, a holiday or if the group is disbanding

  • Share announcements from the Take Back to Meetings to your group about upcoming events and activities

  • Participates twice a year in the Regional Service Assemblies (RSA)

  • Provides a group report to share with their home group and obtain a group conscience before submitting to Regional Assembly

  • Submits the GSR registration form to the Regional Service Committee (RSC)

  • Votes the group’s conscience at regional assemblies

  • Brings the group’s viewpoint on any situation or problem concerning Nar-Anon to the Delegate or to a regional assembly

  • Shares with the group the outcome of regional meetings and assemblies

  • In the year of a World Service Conference, assist the group with discussion on the motions in the Conference Agenda Report (CAR) and submits the group’s conscience to the Delegate

Meeting Health

The reading from the Blue Booklet, “Keeping Our Meetings Healthy” states there are “three destructive forces that can create dissension and ultimately destroy the group”. It can be helpful to rotate the reading “Keeping Our Meetings Healthy” in the recovery meeting. Other great Conference Approved Literature (CAL) that share information on healthy meetings.

Regional Service Assembly (RSA)

What is an Assembly for?

  • GSRs approve the budget

  • Elect trusted servants

  • Discuss and vote on regional policies & matters

  • Share and discuss the Group's Report and any concerns or celebrations

 Who Votes at the Regional Service Assembly?

 Only the Group Service Representatives vote at the Regional Assembly. Your participation is greatly valued and appreciated. In the absence of the GSR, the Alternate or Substitute GSR have the voting privilege.

See GSR Substitution Form (PDF) for more information.

Can a GSR attend the Regional Service Committee Meetings?(RSC)

 Yes! Any member is always welcomed and invited to attend an RSC meeting. GSRs may add agenda items, ask questions, participate in the discussion and share ideas. A great opportunity to see the business of the region and be informed before a regional assembly. The second Monday of every month 6pm-7pm Pacific Time. Click on Regional Service Committee for information about the next meeting.


Here is an introductory presentation about the Common Welfare Topics and helpful tools for a GSR to share the CWT with their group.


Here is an introductory presentation about the World Service Conference and the suggested role for a GSR to share the Conference Agenda Report with their group.

Handy Links